Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Miracle Microwave Potato

This is the coolest trick EVER! basically, if you want to make a potato really quickly and do not want to bother to boil it or shallow fry it to actually cook it, this is the solution.

I use this when I suddenly realize that my gravy has a little bit of extra salt, or I feel like having a vegetable sandwich and there's no boiled potato, or then if I want to make a quick and easy potato dish within 10 minutes using cooked potatoes, this is it! I also have my Sour Cream to go with these. (click HERE to see the recipe for the same)

So this is a huge secret recipe and will put all you guys out there in a huge advantage especially if you like quick and easy so here it is:

Take a potato, wash it so that it's really nice and clean, prick it with a fork in 2 or 3 places, wrap it in cling film, stick it into the microwave for 5 minutes (for medium to large potatoes), and that's it!

so your Zero to Hero potato in 5 minutes has to cool, be peeled and here's my favourite recipe for them:

1 potato
1 tbsp lemon juice
Red Chili Powder
a pinch jeera powder
Chopped coriander leaves

Chop the potato, add the salt, jeera powder, salt and lemon juice and put in a bowl.
Top with red chilli powder and coriander leaves and serve

I do have a very ugly photo of my cooked potato in the cling film but unfortunately it's too horrible to put up, so I've taken this picture from the internet -


  1. Hi,this is my first time here.U have wonderful posts Fatima.Found yummmmmmmmy recipes here.Following U.

  2. Hey Thank you so so much! Really appreciate the feedback :)
