Thursday, September 17, 2009


So this is a request from a friend for more details on how we can use parsley which led me to know more and understand this.

WH foods ( is a super website to go on when researching about foods. they have the whole lowdown on Parsley and it's health benefits too!

In fact, according to WH foods, Parsley is the most popular garnish herb but i think that's a very biased viewpoint as they have underestimated the role of CORRIANDER in Indian cooking!!!

Tips for Preparing Parsley:

Fresh parsley should be washed right before using since it is highly fragile. The best way to clean it is just like you would spinach. Place it in a bowl of cold water and swish it around with your hands. This will allow any sand or dirt to dislodge. Remove the leaves from the water, empty the bowl, refill it with clean water and repeat this process until no dirt remains in the water.

Since it has a stronger flavor than the curly variety, Italian flat leaf parsley holds up better to cooking and therefore is usually the type preferred for hot dishes. It should be added towards the end of the cooking process so that it can best retain its taste, color and nutritional value.

If you are making a light colored sauce, use the stems from this variety as opposed to the leaves, so the sauce will take on the flavor of parsley but will not be imparted with its green color.

A Few Quick Serving Ideas:

Add parsley to pesto sauce to add more texture to its green color.

Combine chopped parsley, garlic and lemon zest, and use it as a rub for chicken, lamb and beef.

Chopped parsley can be sprinkled on a host of different recipes, including salads, vegetable sautés and grilled fish.

My favourite thing to do for parsley is to make a tabouleh with it withfresh mint. Other easy recipes with Parsley are mentioned below.