Monday, October 3, 2011

Fun Food Fact: Basil

Hey guys, just to give you a quick low down on one of my favourite herb - Basil. I'll have you know that there are many different kinds of Basil and that they are also widely used in Thai cooking.

The First one is called Holy Basil or Purple Basil. It has a purple stem and Purple leaves and has a slightly hot flavour. This one is really good for your stir fries and pad thai noodles etc... You gotta add it in last just before you switch off the fire for best results. This is widely known in India as red Tulsi.

The second kind is called Lemon Basil. This one has a green stem and light green leaves. This ones really good for salads and curries etc. Like it's name suggests, it has a slightly lemony flavour and heady aroma

The Third kind is the ones that we have and find all over here. It's called Genovese Basil and is the perfect one for pesto and other Italian dishes

The Last kind is called Sweet Basil that has a kind of aniseed flavour and aroma. Brilliant for garnishing just about anything. This one can be distinguished by it's purple stalk and green leaves. This is what we know as regular Tulsi in India. If you have any stomach ailments, you can just have a few leaves of this and it will be all good. It is also a good idea to feed your pets, if you have any this Tulsi. It's really good for them too!

There are some more kinds of Basil but these are the ones that you will most likely be using and enjoying. The best way to store your basil is to wrap it in a tissue paper, then place it in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator.


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